Edit thread title, due date and visibility
This article explains how to edit thread details such as the title, due date or visibility of the thread.
If you are looking to manage thread participants, please see this article
If you are looking to relate the thread to categories, please see this article
In this guide
Editing a thread
After opening a thread, use the thread context menu, and choose the 'Edit' option to change thread details:
The edit thread window will then be displayed, from this window you can change the thread title, as well as the due date and team visibility:
Setting, updating or removing a due date
If the thread is a Task or Signature request, a due date can be configured by clicking the calendar icon below:
If a due date already exists, the calendar icon can be clicked to allow the user to either change the date, or remove it altogether:
Changing thread visibility
The visibility of the thread can be updated by clicking the Team Access option shown below:
Please see this article on Team Access for further details on thread visibility.
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