If you register a Workiro account on the sign up page, or request a password reset, we will ask to confirm your email by entering the confirmation code sent to your email address.
Confirmation code email
If you can't find the confirmation email we send or the code is invalid, please use this troubleshooting guide.
In this article:
I do not get the confirmation code
If you haven't received your confirmation email, please, try the following solutions:
- Make sure there are no typos in the email you submitted. If you find a typo, feel free to register a profile again using the correct email address
- Open your Spam, Promotions, Junk, Social, and Updates folders and check to see if the GetBusy confirmation email is there
- Check to see if your inbox is full to make sure you haven’t reached the memory limit with your email account. If it is full, you may need to delete some existing emails in order to receive new ones. After deleting emails, click Send code again to receive a registration email
- If you click Send code again within 60 min after the first code was generated, the same code will be sent. If you click Send code again after 60 min, you will get a new code
- If you failed to confirm your email after 3 attempts, you will see a message Email confirmation attempts exceeded. Click Send code again and this will generate a new code for you
If you still do not see the email with the code:
- It may be that a firewall is preventing the email from reaching your inbox. Please reach out to your system administrator and ask them to allowlist our domains and subdomains: getbusy.com*, *.getbusy.com.
- Normally, the code should arrive instantly but due to the peculiarities of your mailing system it may be delayed
- If neither of the solutions help, please report the issue to Workiro Support
My code is invalid
If you see the code you entered is invalid:
- Please check your inbox and make sure that you're entering the most recently received code. If the code is still invalid, click Send code again and enter the code from the new email
- If that does not help, report the issue to Workiro Support
Frequently asked questions
- I accidentally closed the tab where I should enter the confirmation code. How can I get it again?
- You can simply start the account creation process again and use the same email and password you entered before. You will be redirected to the confirmation page again. Don't forget to check your email for a new code. - I still do not get the confirmation code. Can I register my profile without it?
- For security purposes we always require confirmation of your email address via the confirmation code. - Can the confirmation code be sent via other means?
- At the moment, the confirmation code is only sent via email.
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