Having a hard time prioritising your work? Unsure of when someone expects/needs a task to be completed? Need a polite way of telling your Client/Customers you need an action done in a timely manner? Would missing a deadline date have an impact to someone or your business?
Workiro has got you covered to ensure actions get done - on time. ⏰
Due dates can be optionally added to tasks as useful extra information to help manage expectations, as well as help to organise and prioritise work.
This guide covers:
- How to add a due date to a specific task or signature request
- Viewing the due date on a task or signature request
- Viewing my tasks by deadline/due date
- View all the tasks I'm involved in by deadline/due date
How to add a due date to a task
Create a task or signature thread and click on the calendar icon on the right side of the task, underneath the title. Select the day and month from the date picker. Workiro initially circles and reminds you of today's date.
After you've chosen a due date, this is noted on the task. Finish creating your task/signature request to save.
Viewing on a thread
Look out for a due date on a task so you can plan your work accordingly and avoid missing a hard deadline. To view a due date on a task already created, just see directly under the task title.
Viewing my tasks by deadline/due date
1. At a glance
Easily show and view if any of your Assigned to me tasks have due dates to help you prioritise your day amongst other things which may not.
At the top of the Assigned to me area, click on the ellipsis ... menu and choose to display 'Due dates' next to your tasks if they have any.
2. Use the Upcoming Filter
...if you want to focus and only want to see everything you need to do that has a hard/specific deadline date, excluding everything else that doesn't.
An "Upcoming" filter will automatically appear at the top of your Assigned to me as soon as you have any tasks with a deadline date. Clicking on this filter will sift out and list all your personal and assigned tasks with a due date in chronological order.
**Create your own other useful filters with private tags - find out how.**
Filter even further from the Upcoming view by selecting any other private tags you have used to categorise your tasks. This will allow you focus on niche task groups based on their Due Date.
View all tasks I'm involved in by deadline/due date
Sometimes you need to be in the know of what is coming up due that may not be directly assigned to you, but that others are responsible for or you are waiting on others for. For example, if you send a task out to a colleague or client you can see the status without having to reach out by viewing their activity on the task.
Just view the 'Upcoming tasks' in the Smart views area, which allows you to filter and view upcoming items with due dates regardless of who is assigned.
Find out more about smart views here
Go to Smart views and click on upcoming tasks.
Note that due dates are purely informational and will NOT trigger any automated action, since you may choose to complete a task well in advance or purposely close/on/after the due date. This means you are really controlling when you will action something and when you want to be reminded by using the pause function, when you can more specifically choose a time as well as date. Read more about the power of pause.
Workiro takes the work out of organisation by doing it for you and prevents actions from getting missed.
Here are some other examples of what else Workiro does in the background while you're getting stuff done.
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