Workiro is designed to help you cut through the noise and focus on the things that you need to do! 🎯
The 'Assigned to me' area is where you can organise what you need to work on and when:
Active Tasks
The main list of tasks at the top of your 'Assigned to me' view should be things you currently need to action or update.
You can prioritise and order your own Tasks by simply dragging them within the list into the order you wish to work on them.
Paused Tasks
Pausing Tasks gives you control over your workload and helps you manage the expectations of others.
Plan ahead by pausing any Tasks that you don't have the time or capacity to work on today until the next best day and time you'll be free. 📅⏲️
Tasks paused for an upcoming Date are displayed under the 'Paused...' group with a paused Task indicator, these are ordered in date order with Tasks due to resume soonest at the top.
Tasks paused for later in the current Day will be displayed in your 'Active Tasks' list with a paused Task indicator.
Other participants will stay informed on whether you've paused or resumed a Task via system comments, so they can be assured of the status of your Task at any point.
Once a Task is paused, you can safely forget about it while you focus on your current Tasks. When the configured time comes around, the paused Task will automatically resume and move back into your Active Tasks.
Read more about how to use The power of pause.
Archived Tasks
The 'Archive' represented by the filing box icon at the top of the 'Assigned to me' view lets you look back over all the amazing things you've successfully accomplished! 🎉
When viewing the 'Archive' you can switch between viewing Completed or Cancelled Tasks by clicking on the relevant Tab:
These Completed/Cancelled Tasks are listed in order with the most recently Completed/Cancelled at the top.
Participants can still comment on these Tasks and they can be re-opened if necessary by the original Task creator.
Filtering Tasks
By opening the 'Filters' menu you can easily filter and view your Tasks based on:
- Public Tags
- Private Tags
- Upcoming (Tasks that are Due imminently)
Task Indicators
By opening the '...' menu you can change the indicators shown to the side of Tasks to either show:
- Participants of the Task
- Whether the Task is related to Workspace Units
- The Due date of the Task
- The remaining days for the Task
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