Ongoing Slack discussions mean it's easy to lose information or lose track of things that need to be done. 😨
Integrate Slack with GetBusy using Zapier, to easily create GetBusy tasks from Slack. You can then drown out the noise, stay on top of those actions and things can get done - whilst you continue your Slack conversations about...cats or whatever it is, without worrying!
🎯 You can also isolate and focus conversations in GetBusy, so that discussions are no longer around a general topic or just with a specific group of people (like with a Slack channel), but are based around specific tasks which can be closed off in GetBusy when done ✅, as well as being easily found again if you need to refer back - saving you scrolling back through long Slack channels! 😅
Watch this video tutorial to see how! 👀
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