The Hyperlink API is the simplest way to integrate with Workiro.
It allows you to launch the Workiro web, desktop and mobile apps from anywhere and trigger actions and navigation using parameters within a URL.
Whilst you can write scripts and code to use the Hyperlink API in powerful ways, you don’t have to - you don’t have to worry about connecting to services, managing authentication tokens, callbacks, overrides and a whole bunch of other complicated things that only developers know how to do…
In this guide:
URL protocol and platform targeting
Manifest (ideal for sending documents)
Get started
Before you go any further, make sure you have created a Workiro account at
Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be able to use the following link to trigger creation of a new task:
The link we use to create a new task is pretty simple:
You can give the task a title:
And finally, attach a publicly accessible web document:
Create a task with a title and attachment;name:Sample+web+document.pdf;source:web
URL protocol and platform targeting
The Workiro Hyperlink API is designed to work with all of the Workiro apps on web, desktop (Windows & Mac) and native mobile (iOS & Android).
Most users spend the majority of their time in the desktop and native mobile apps and rarely use the web application. The Hyperlink API can be specifically targeted to these platforms.
The Workiro Hyperlink API supports two URL protocols (the bit at the beginning of the URL).
https:// - always opens a new browser tab in your default browser. If you’ve downloaded and installed a Workiro desktop or native mobile app on your device, the browser will ask if you want to open the link in the app (every time you click or tap an API link).
workiro:// - opens or brings the Workiro desktop or native mobile apps into focus and executes the link within them, bypassing the browser for a much more streamlined experience.
In deciding which URL protocol to use, determine whether the audience is going to want a new browser tab to open for everything they do, or for the desktop or mobile apps to pop into focus.
It’s also worth noting that uploading local files to Workiro via the Hyperlink API only works with the workiro:// protocol via the desktop apps.
In the majority of cases, the best solution is to use workiro:// but feel free to give us a shout if you’re in any doubt.
URL encoding
🚨 All of the URLs you create for the Workiro Hyperlink API need to be encoded.
If you haven’t heard about URL Encoding, it’s the process of converting characters into an interpretable format on the web. There are certain characters that can’t be used in URLs, like spaces, which get encoded as %20.
So if you want the title of your task to be 'My to-do', you can’t use &title=My to-do, but instead use:
If you aren’t generating your URLs using code (in which case, encoding is straight forward) and you need some help to understand what your encoded link should look like, you’ll find a useful resource.
Character stripping
Please note that you will have to strip out the following special characters from any values (for example from within the title of a to-do) as they are used to structure the API
Colon :
Semicolon ;
Tilde ~
Asterisk *
The api does not currently support
en dash –
em dash —
URL schema
The URL schema for the Hyperlink API is made up of four parts:
Protocol - Navigation - Action - Parameters
{protocol} {navigation} {action} {parameters}
https:// ?create=todo &title=My+new+todo
Required - Controls the Workiro application in which the link will open.
See the URL protocol and platform targeting section for further information.
Required - Controls where in the Workiro application the action will be performed.
You must provide a navigation path when using the Hyperlink API with the https:// protocol. If you are using the getbusy:// protocol exclusively, then a navigation path isn’t really required but we’d recommend using it to avoid any future compatibility issues.
At a minimum, you must specify
Generally, we don’t recommend navigating the user any further unless there is good reason - you could be changing the state of the users session unexpectedly. If no further navigation options are provided, the action will be executed for the user without switching their current view.
You can further navigate the user to key screens within the app before any action is performed. Supported navigation screens:
/mytasks (known in the app as 'Assigned to me')
The thing that’s going to happen in Workiro.
🚨 Before you declare an action, remember to add a question mark [?] to your URL after the navigation path.{action}
The properties of the things that’s going to happen in Workiro.
Separate action parameters with an ampersand [&]{parameter1}&{parameter2}
Open and create connections
The action ?open=connection opens an existing connection or populates the add connection screen with connection details if a connection does not already exist.
Recommended - Specifies whether the connection being opened / created is a person (individual) {i} or an organization {o}. If the parameter doesn't exist the user will be prompted to select the connection type they would like to create.
Required* - (where type=individual) - The email address of the connection to be opened or created.
*The email address is optional when using relationship type properties to look up the record
Optional - The first name of the connection, to be used to create the connection if it does not already exist.
Optional - The last name of the connection, to be used to create the connection if it does not already exist.
Optional - The name of an organization connection, to be used to create the connection if it does not already exist. Note: if type was not specified, and the user decides to create an individual, this value is added to the Firstname field.
Optional - Currently only applies to organizations.
Optional - Specifies which relationship(s) the connection has - relationships must be pre-configured in Workiro. Multiple relationships can be separated with a semi colon e.g. customer;vendor
Relationship properties
Optional - Specifies relationship type properties for the connection. These must be pre-configured in Workiro. Properties are added to the relationship with a tilde ~. Use an asterisk * to define which property is the primary lookup by which an existing record in Workiro will be matched with an external source.
Open or create an organisation (Pied Piper) which is a customer (code 123468) and should be found by matching against its NetSuite customer record (id 1060);name:Pied+Piper;notes:A+fictonal+startup;customer~customer_code:12348;*customer~netsuite_id:1060
Create threads
The action ?create={thread} triggers creation of a new thread in Workiro. The create action accepts thread types todo, note or signature.
Optional - Populates the title field in the create thread screen.
Optional - Populates the comments field in the create thread screen.
Optional - Adds participants to the new thread
🚨 Where participants do not already exist as connections (for the current user) they will be created automatically.
When adding participants you must specify their type, a person (individual) {i} and provide their email address. Multiple participants can be separated with a comma.
You can optionally add their name.
The current user will always be added as a participant on new threads and therefore does not need to be specified.
Optional - Applicable to tasks only. Sets a specific participant as the assignee.
Optional - Specifies which relationship(s) the participant has - relationships must be pre-configured in Workiro. Multiple relationships can be separated with a semi colon e.g. customer;vendor
Relationship properties
Optional - Specifies relationship type properties for the participant. These must be pre-configured in Workiro. Properties are added to the relationship with a tilde ~. Use an asterisk * to define which property is the primary lookup by which an existing record in Workiro will be matched with an external source.
Related connections
🚨 Where related connections do not already exist as connections (for the current user) they will be created automatically.
Optional - An array of related connections may be passed, of mixed type (individual or organisation)
Related connections may have relationships pre-configured in Workiro
They may also have relationship properties
Optional - Path to a publicly accessible file stored on the web, or a private file on the users device to be uploaded to Workiro and added as an attachment in the create thread screen.
If you do want to send files we would recommend using the Manifest API approach, detailed below.
🚨 Must be used together with source.
🚨 Upload of local files on the users device is only supported using the workiro:// protocol with the desktop app installed on a Windows or Mac device.
Required (with file) - Specifies whether Workiro should look for the file on the web or on the users Windows or Mac device.
Optional (with file) - The name given to the attachment in the create to-do screen. If name is not specified, the attachment will be named using the filename from the filepath.
multiple files
It is possible to pass multiple instances of the file parameter to upload multiple files to Workiro, including multiple files from difference sources.;name:Sample+document+1.pdf;source:local&file=Users%2Fme%2FDesktop%2FSample%202.pdf;name:Sample+document+2.pdf;source:local
When passing multiple files to the Hyperlink API, it is possible to omit the source:{local|web} command from each file and instead pass the global parameter filesource if the source of all the files is the same
Manifest (ideal for sending documents)
If you want to send documents with Workiro, but don’t want to deal with the hassle of authentication and complex API endpoints, then the manifest API is made for you. It has all the functionality of the Hyperlink API with added benefits for integrators that deal with documents.
The manifest API is a publicly accessible unauthenticated API endpoint that you can post your request to, including files. You will receive a manifest ID in return. You can then use this manifest ID in a URL which takes the user to a Workiro screen as you’ve defined in your original request; for example: create a new thread, sign a document, open a connection. This is a secure way to transfer documents.
Once a Workiro user has used the manifest ID that user owns that data and no-one else can claim it. The manifest IDs are one-use only. The Manifest ID is complex and cannot be guessed.
All data is encrypted in transit and in storage on our servers, and it is disposed off when it’s no longer required.
When you launch the URL the user will be asked to log in to Workiro if they’ve not done so previously in that browser session. Workiro will handle all of the authentication for you.
Getting started
1) Create a string of text in JSON format with the information about the thing you want the user to do, e.g. the thread you want the user to create. Here is a simple example:
"create": 'todo',
"title": 'The title of the thread',
"extra": 'The first comment of the thread'
2) POST the JSON above to this Workiro API endpoint:
The endpoint will return an ID. Here’s an example of the response:
"result": "79100d10-e5c4-4f02-bbe3-9bd6b32b6148"
3) Generate a URL which uses the manifest ID returned above:
4) Launch the URL in a new tab and the user will see what you sent over in your original request, for example a new thread window with all the information you sent over pre-populated. They can then make adjustments to the thread and add additional information before sending it. If the user needs to they will be prompted to log in to Workiro
Create a thread
Option |
Input |
Mandatory |
Description |
create |
Yes |
The type of thread you want to create |
title |
No |
The title of the thread |
extra |
No |
The first comment of the thread |
participants |
No |
An array of participants you want added to the thread. The creator of the thread is always added as a participant. If you are creating a thread type of "todo" you can also specify the assignee of the thread (the person that needs to do the work). Add "assignee": true to the array of information about a participant.
files |
No |
Source refers to where to get the file from. As part of this POST api request you will include all the files. You need to pass them up as a multipart api request. See below for example Postman scripts. Location is the name of the file that you have given it in the POST request, so that we can link the files you’ve uploaded to this information. Name is the name of the file as you want it displayed in Workiro. The friendly name. If there are no participants on the thread (and it is a signature) then you can assign the creator of the thread. Simply add “sign”: "true" to the array of information about a file. If you have specified participants in the request then this will not work. |
relcon |
"relcon": [
No |
Related connections. These are the people and organisations in Workiro that the thread is related to. You may include any number of connections. Optionally you can include a key relationship type and property to find a unique connection in Workiro (e.g. Client Code, or Case Code). In this example the relationship type is "Customer" and the key property that we're interested in is "netsuite_ID". If the connection doesn't exist it will be created. |
relproj |
"relproj:" [ |
No |
Related projects. These are the projects in Workiro that the thread is related to. Optionally include a key property to find a unique project in Workiro. |
Open/Create Connection
You may want to navigate the user to a connection in Workiro so that they can see all the work going on with that connection. You can even embed this experience in an iFrame within your application (only supported in Chrome at this point).
Workiro will try to find the connection based on the details you supply. If a connection can’t be found it will prompt the user to create a new connection with the details that you’ve provided. Order of how Workiro looks for connections..
IF match on relationship type property value THEN open connection
ELSE IF match on organization name THEN open connection
ELSE IF match on individual email THEN open connection
ELSE prompt the user to create the connection
Option |
Input |
Mandatory |
Description |
open |
Yes |
type |
Yes |
firstname |
Yes - if type individual |
Only applicable for individual connections |
lastname |
Yes - if type individual |
Only applicable for individual connections |
Yes - if type individual |
Only applicable for individual connections |
name |
Yes - if type organization |
Only applicable for organisation connections |
notes |
No |
Only applicable for organisation connections. The notes to add to the connection if the connection can’t be found and the user is prompted to create the connection. |
relationships |
No |
An array of relationship types for this connection. Relationship types are configured by the Workiro account and can vary. A relationship type defines your relationship with the connection, e.g. the connection is a client or mine, or they are a supplier of ours, or it is a case I am working on. |
relationship properties |
No |
An array of relationship type properties for this connection. Each Relationship type can have bespoke properties, for example if a connection is a Client then it might have a ClientID in order to link it to their back office system. You can use these properties to store references and then query these properties to get back connections; rather than referencing connections by things that could change like organisation name. If a property has the “key”: true parameter then Workiro will look for connections with that property value. |
New Document
You can upload a document to Workiro and classify it against connections or projects.
Option |
Input |
Mandatory |
Description |
create |
Yes |
files |
Yes |
Source can be "web", "local" or "attached" and refers to where you are passing the file from. As part of this POST api request you will include all the files. You need to pass them up as a multipart api request. See below for example Postman scripts. Location is the name of the file that you have given it in the POST request, so that we can link the files you’ve uploaded to this information. Name is the name of the file as you want it displayed in Workiro. The friendly name. Currently we only support 1 file at a time. |
relcon |
"relcon": [
Yes |
Related connections. These are the people and organisations in Workiro that the document is related to. You may include any number of connections. Optionally you can include a key relationship type and property to find a unique connection in Workiro (e.g. Client Code, or Case Code). In this example the relationship type is "Customer" and the key property that we're interested in is "netsuite_ID". If the connection doesn't exist it will be created. A document must be related to at least one connection OR project. |
relproj |
"relproj:" [ |
No |
Related projects. These are the projects in Workiro that the document is related to. Optionally include a key property to find a unique project in Workiro. A document must be related to at least one connection OR project. |
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