In this guide
- Reload or Clear your cache
- Getting to your log file
- Getting to your log settings file
- Editing your log settings file
Desktop App
If you're experiencing an issue with the Workiro desktop app (extremely rare of course), our support team may ask you to reload the app, clear your cache, send your log file, or change your log settings in order to help diagnose or fix the issue.
Reload or Clear your cache
To to reload the app, or clear your cache, use the following keyboard shortcuts:
Microsoft Windows
Reload: Ctrl + R
Clear Cache: Ctrl + Shift + R
These options are also available from the app menu (first press Alt to expose the menu).
Apple MacOS
Reload: Cmd ⌘ + R
Clear Cache: Cmd ⌘ + Shift + R
Getting to your log files
Your Workiro desktop app log files, called log.log, main.log and renderer.log (we're good at naming things), can be found in the following locations:
Microsoft Windows
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Workiro\ to access log.log
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Workiro\logs to access main.log and renderer.log
Apple MacOS
Using Finder, navigate to: ~/Library/Logs/Workiro/
Getting to your log settings file
The default log setting might need to be bumped up for us to get more information about what's going on on your device.
We've got loads of log settings (or levels), but we'd normally ask you to change your log level to debug.
Your log settings file, called loggingLevel.json, can be found in the following locations:
Microsoft Windows
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Workiro\
Apple MacOS
Using Finder, first ensure hidden files are shown (the quickest way to display and hide hidden files is by using the Command + Shift + . (or the period) key combination).
then navigate to:
~/Library/Application Support/workiro/
Editing your log settings file
Once you've found your loggingLevel.json file in the location specified above, open it up for editing in the text editor of your choice (e.g. Notepad on Windows and TextEdit on MacOS).
It's a simple file containing something like this:
"level": "info"
"level": "debug"
iOS App
Uninstall the Workiro App
Remove Workiro Cookies
- Navigate to Settings and select Safari.
- Scroll down and Tap on 'Advanced >
- Tap on 'Website Data >'
Navigate to Settings
Scroll down and Tap on 'Advanced' |
Tap on 'Website Data'
- Search for getbusy and swipe left to delete the entry for
- Search for workiro and swipe left to delete the entry for
- Note that whilst the entries may show '0 bytes' they should still be deleted
Search for and delete |
Search for and delete |
Watch a video walkthrough
Install the Workiro App
Issues logging in
If you are experiencing an unexpected error, similar to that shown below, then start by checking if your browser or a third party content blocker is blocking cookies.
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